Serum against age spots and hyperpigmentation. Evens the skin tone.

Swiss Veronica Actives
Swiss Veronica ActivesSwiss Veronica ActivesSwiss Veronica Actives

Swiss Veronica Actives

Content: 50 ml

 Availability: Only few items available

Product ratings:
Average (1-5): 4.8
Number of reviews: 9

Old price:59.00 CHF

Including Swiss VAT (MwSt) and free A-Post delivery

Basis price per 10 milliliters: 11.80 CHF

Serum against age spots and hyperpigmentation. Evens the skin tone. Order now!

Appearance: Crystal-clear sérum in a stylish, frosted-glass flask with an elegant pump dispenser.
Amount per flask: 50 ml, enough for about 60 days.
Developed and Made in Switzerland.
Natural, safe and fair.
Contains natural or nature identical ingredients.
Vegan: contains no ingredients of animal origin.
The product and all the ingredients were not tested on animals.
No added colorings.
No added preservatives
No mineral oils or silicones
The skin-tolerance has been dermatologically confirmed on human volunteers.
What is behind the amazing activity of Swiss Veronica Actives?
Revolutionary MICRO-BOTANICAL® formula
Swiss Veronica Actives is based on the new and patented MICRO-BOTANICAL® Formula: a new kind of cosmetic product with crystal-clear appearance, velvety-soft skin sensation and unique properties found nowhere else. Feeling like a dry-oil and absorbing quicker than a light cream our MICRO-BOTANICAL® Formula is an amazing new skin-care composition with rich texture and long lasting benefits. The MICRO-BOTANICAL® Formula stores the actives and the organic plant extract as microscopically small droplets within the nourishing ingredients, protected from air and deterioration. The active micro droplets are quickly taken up by the skin for great results.
Extracts from organic Veronica officinalis, Primula veris, Achillea millefolium and four other alpine plants.
- Restricts the production of pigment melanin.
- Reduces the color intensity of age spots.
- Evens the skin tone.
Made with organic plants from fair-trade and sustainable Swiss Alpine farms.
ILLUMISCIN® complex.
- Prevents the production of pigment lipofuscin.
- Reduces the size of age spots.
- Averts repigmentation of age spots.
Sérum Ultra-Concentré.
Highly concentrated: contains 15% actives mix, 70% nourishing ingredients and less than 13% water. The MICRO-BOTANICAL® Formula of the Swiss Veronica Actives contains over 85% skin care ingredients. You will love it: your skin will absorb it in seconds but the pleasant feeling will last for hours.
New, patented formula.
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Detailed Product Information

In the following subsections, we present a wealth of information about Swiss Veronica Actives to help you decide if this is the right product for you.

What Swiss Veronica Actives does:

Swiss Veronica Actives works against overpigmentation that is caused by overproduction of pigments melanin or lipofuscin. But will Swiss Veronica Active help with the overpigmentation problem you have? You will find the answer in the following sections.

To help you in your search, we use color-coding to flag various scenarios. Green color means that you can expect good results, yellow that partial improvement is expected and red that this product wont work in this situation

Types of overpigmentation

Various overrpigmentation types


Hyperpigmentation of the skin is caused by an increased or decreased accumulation of pigments melanin and/or lipofuscin, leading to the formation of discolored skin spots or patches.

Swiss Veronica Actives is active against dark spots or patches that are caused by melanin or lipofuscin overaccumulation, such as age or sun spots. It will not help you with white or red spots, which have different causes.

Select a button on the left that most closely describes the hyperpigmentation type you may be experiencing to find out more.

Please remember: it is important to have all pigmentation disorders checked by a dermatologist to rule out any serious conditions.

Age spots


Age spots (liver spots) are caused by accumulation of yellow cell debris (lipofuscin) and brown pigment melanin in the skin due to ageing. As the skin ageing is accelerated by sun, age spots are common in exposed areas (see also "dark sun spots"), but can occur anywhere. Yellow lipofuscin spots are first to appear and darken as melanin accumulates within the lipofuscin spot.

Swiss Veronica Actives contains natural ingredients that decrease the production of new lipofuscin and melanin and helps reduce the levels of pigments accumulated, which leads to gradual fading of age spots.

The aged skin regenerates slower and age spots need longer to fade.

Dark sun spots


Dark sun spots (solar lentigines) arise because sun damage interferes with natural cell recycling in the skin. The skin constantly renews itself, with upper skin layers shed and replaced by young cells from below. Sun damage may cause melanocytes (the cells that are producing the pigment melanin) to stick to each other and unable to be shed with other cells. The clumped melanocytes produce dark sun spots.

Swiss Veronica Actives is active against dark sun spots by decreasing the production of new melanin and reducing already accumulated pigments in stuck melanocytes.

Remember to wear sunscreen to prevent the formation of new dark sun spots.



Freckles form the same way the dark sun spots form, namely some melanocytes (the cells that are producing the pigment melanin) stick tightly together and are not shed with the rest of the upper skin layers during normal skin renewal. However in case of freckles the reason for the melanocytes sticking together is genetic and not sun damage. Genetics makes freckles common in individuals with skin type I or II and freckles can appear at any age.

Swiss Veronica Actives can significantly lighten freckles by decreasing melanin production and reducing the already accumulated melanin.

Freckles darken in sun because sun promotes melanin formation.



Melasma (chloasma) are rather big, brown to grey-brown patches on the skin caused by hormons (estrogen) causing increased melanin accumulation. Melasma can be a result of taking birth control pills, hormonal therapy or pregnancy (it is also called "mask of pregnancy"). Typically, melasma appears on both cheeks, but can also affect other areas.

Swiss Veronica Actives can help against melasma, as it decreases the production of new melanin and reduces melanin already accumulated in skin regions affected by melasma.

Melasma usually dissapears on its own after hormone balance is restored, but early treatment is advised to prevent it becoming permanent.

Scar darkening


Scars of various origin disrupt skin continuity and interfere with melanin distribution which can lead to melanin congestion within the scar and scar darkening. In addition, skin damage is often accompanied by increased melanin production. Skar overpigmentation is aggravated by sun exposure and individual with acne scars or other exposed scars are most at risk.

Swiss Veronica Actives efficiently controls melanin disbalance and can help against skar darkening. Swiss Veronica Actives will not help in case of white or red scars.

Scar overpigmernation needs to be treated early, as it may be difficult to decrease deep-seated melanin deposits.

Postinflammatory pigmentation


Postinflammatory hyperpigmentation is darkening of an area of the skin after it was inflamed for various reasons, such as injury, burn, medication, infection or dermatitis. The overpigmentation arises because inflammation increases melanin production but in the damages skin the distribution of melanin does not function properly, leading to local melanin accumulation. It is mostly observed in darker skin types.

Swiss Veronica Actives has a strong activity against melanin overaccumulation and can help reduce the postinflammatory darkening.

Swiss Veronica Actives will not help if white or red spots have developed after injury.

Rubbing overpigmentation


Prolonged rubbing of clothes against skin or rubbing of skin on skin can lead to overpigmentation, especially in areas with increased moisture, such as armpits or intimate area. The rubbing by itsel does not cause pigment accumulation, however constant rubbing leads to inlfamation of skin under pressure. The skin gets overpigmented due to melanin accumulation, as it can happen after any inflammation.

Swiss Veronica Actives has a strong activity against melanin overaccumulation and can help against overpigmentation due to rubbing.

Please note: intense pigmentation in folds of human body may signify a disease. Please consult your doctor.

Birth marks


Birthmarks are colored skin areas that are present since the birth or appear shortly after. Red birthmarks are caused by blood vessel irregularities. Moles (flat or raised dark spots), mongolian spots (deep seated overpigmentation which looks like bruise) and cafe-au-lait spots (lighly colored flat skin patches) are caused by melanin overaccumulation.

Swiss Veronica Actives will likely only be able to help with cafe-au-lait spots, which are near the skin surface. In other birth marks, the melanin overproduction takes place deep in the skin and is out of reach of cosmetic products.

Please always contact your doctor if the birth mark begins to change.

White spots or patches


White spots, also called hypopigmentation (= underpigmentation) are mostly caused by damage or inhibition of melanin production in the skin. This can happen for various reasons, genetic or environmental, for example sun exposure can damage melanin production, creating "white sun spots". The entrapment of skin proteins and cells under the skin surface can also create white spots. The hypopigmentation is usually localized, but may cover large areas.

Swiss Veronica Actives can not help you with white spots, since this product works by reducing too high melanin and lipofuscin levels in the skin and can not increase the melanin production to even the white spots.

Red spots


Red spots on the skin can be have various causes and various ways of forming. Red spots can be tiny hemorrahges, which are called petechiae, if small, or purpura, if large. Red spots can appear after an ifection or allergy in form of a flat rash spots (macules) or raised spots (papules). Some red spots are benign tumors of the blood vessels, known as hemangioma. The reason red spots are formed are infections, circulation disorders, medications or cell proliferation.

Swiss Veronica Actives can not help you with red spots, since this product regulates melanin or lipofuscin only and these pigments are not involved in the formation of red spots.

Extent of pigmentation

Various extents of overpigmentation


The pigment spots or patches show variation in the extent they affect the skin from being present as few isolated spots to cover most of the body. Some pigmentation types, like melasma, may decrease, when the underyling cause is no longer there. Age spots on the other hand tend to enlarge and increase in numbers with time and affect more skin areas.

While Swiss Veronica Actives can be used during all pigmentation stages, the final effect will vary depending on the extent of the overpigmentation, which generally correlates with general skin health.

Select a button on the left that most closely describes your hyperpigmentation extent to learn more.

Isolated spots


Few isolated spots mean that the skin is generally healthy and has responded to a disturbance in an untypical way or that the disturbance is highly local. An example of an untypical skin response is the formation of few dark sun spots (not freckles) in young and healthy individuals after prolonged sun exposure. Inlfamed pimples that darken after healing is an example of disturbance that is highly local.

Early and regular use of Swiss Veronica Actives will likely lead to complete dissapearance of isolated spots.

Scar pigmentaion is an exeption: although isolated, scars are signs of deep damage to the skin and may be more difficult to treat.

Localized spots or patches


Localized darkening, such as melasma on the cheeks or many age spots on the back of the hands signal a bigger problem, but one that is limited to one skin area. Such darkening means that the affected area was exposed to some negative factor but in isolation from the rest of the body, for example dark sun spot formation on the exposed hands of habitual bicycle rider.

Localized spots or dark patches are well treatable by Swiss Veronica Actives.

If the darkening is very strong that can be a sign of more severe and ongoing imbalance in the body and even if it is found in only one body location, the pigmentation can be hard to completelly remove.

Widespread iselets


Spots presented all over the body in islets or small patches are sign that the whole of the skin of an individual has lost some functionality in regard to pigment balancing. Such widespread functionality loss usually accompanies old age, chronic illnesses or medical treatments.

Swiss Veronica Actives can be effectively used to treat affected ares (for example spots in hands or face), but a prolonged product application may be required to counteract the generalized skin imbalance.

With systematic product use the skin tone of all affected areas of the body can be evened out, but it may be more efficient to focus the effort on the exposed areas.

Extensive overpigrmentation


Extensive overpigmentation that involves big part of the skin of an individual, for example involiving the whole face, neck and chest or are extremely widespread are usually a result of severe imbalance in the skin in regard to pigment management. In such cases, is advisable to consult a doctor to rule out severe conditions.

Swiss Veronica Actives can help decrease the intensity of extensive overpigmentation and make the edges of spots less sharp, thus increasing the visibility of the pigmention areas.

Complete removal of extensive overpigmentation however is normally out of reach of cosmetic treatments, including Swiss Veronica Actives.

Location of overpigmentation

All pigmentation locations

lady laying down

Some body parts are more affected than other ones by overpigmentation. Sun rays can damage natural skin balance, which may lead to clumping of cells that produce melanin in exposed skin areas, seen as dark spots. Sun also promotes melanin formation leading to darkening of the existing overpigmentation. Some areas just happen to be target, for example melasma very often appears on cheeks.

Swiss Veronica Actives can work all over the body to combat overpigmentation.

Select a button on the left that most closely describes the affected body part to learn more.

Around eyes


Overpigmentation around eyes is very common especially under eyes, which is exposed to sun and often developes dark sun spots or freckles. Sun exposure accelerates skin ageing and also age spots like to apper in under eyes.

Swiss Veronica Actives can help with all kind of overpigmentations around eyes and is safe to use in this area. Do avoid a direct contact with eyes though!

Swiss Veronica Actives will not help you with dark circles around eyes, because the dark circles are not caused by melanin or lipofuscin accumulation. We do have a product that can help you with dark circles: Swiss Scutellaria Actives!



Face is an areay most commonly affected by overpigmentation. It is highly exposed, which means it receives more of the sun damage and sun-induced darkening of pre-exisiting pigmentation. Face is also affected by acne and concequently by scar darkening. Finally, overpigmentations condiitions like melasama most often apper on face for reasons not entirely understood.

Swiss Veronica Actives is very suited for treating overpigmentaiton on face as it is a very light product and well accepted by women or men. Women appreciate the how quickly it absorbs, which means it does not interfere with the skin routine. Men love that Swiss Veronica Actives is abslolutelly not greasy and leave the face smooth.

Swiss Veronica Actives will not help you with dark circles around eyes, because the dark circles are not caused by melanin or lipofuscin accumulation. We do have a product that can help you with dark circles: Swiss Scutellaria Actives!



Overpigmentation around eyes is very common especially under eyes, which is exposed to sun and often developes dark sun spots or freckles. Sun exposure accelerates skin ageing and also age spots like to apper in under eyes.

Swiss Veronica Actives can help with all kind of overpigmentations around eyes and is safe to use in this area. Do avoid a direct contact with eyes though!

For persons with thin hair, please remember to use sun protection on scalp

Neck front

front of neck

Overpigmentation around eyes is very common especially under eyes, which is exposed to sun and often developes dark sun spots or freckles. Sun exposure accelerates skin ageing and also age spots like to apper in under eyes.

Swiss Veronica Actives can help with all kind of overpigmentations around eyes and is safe to use in this area. Do avoid a direct contact with eyes though!

For persons with thin hair, please remember to use sun protection on scalp

Neck back

back of neck

Overpigmentation around eyes is very common especially under eyes, which is exposed to sun and often developes dark sun spots or freckles. Sun exposure accelerates skin ageing and also age spots like to apper in under eyes.

Swiss Veronica Actives can help with all kind of overpigmentations around eyes and is safe to use in this area. Do avoid a direct contact with eyes though!

For persons with thin hair, please remember to use sun protection on scalp

Chest / Décolleté

chest decollete

Overpigmentation around eyes is very common especially under eyes, which is exposed to sun and often developes dark sun spots or freckles. Sun exposure accelerates skin ageing and also age spots like to apper in under eyes.

Swiss Veronica Actives can help with all kind of overpigmentations around eyes and is safe to use in this area. Do avoid a direct contact with eyes though!

For persons with thin hair, please remember to use sun protection on scalp



Overpigmentation around eyes is very common especially under eyes, which is exposed to sun and often developes dark sun spots or freckles. Sun exposure accelerates skin ageing and also age spots like to apper in under eyes.

Swiss Veronica Actives can help with all kind of overpigmentations around eyes and is safe to use in this area. Do avoid a direct contact with eyes though!

For persons with thin hair, please remember to use sun protection on scalp



Overpigmentation around eyes is very common especially under eyes, which is exposed to sun and often developes dark sun spots or freckles. Sun exposure accelerates skin ageing and also age spots like to apper in under eyes.

Swiss Veronica Actives can help with all kind of overpigmentations around eyes and is safe to use in this area. Do avoid a direct contact with eyes though!

For persons with thin hair, please remember to use sun protection on scalp



Overpigmentation around eyes is very common especially under eyes, which is exposed to sun and often developes dark sun spots or freckles. Sun exposure accelerates skin ageing and also age spots like to apper in under eyes.

Swiss Veronica Actives can help with all kind of overpigmentations around eyes and is safe to use in this area. Do avoid a direct contact with eyes though!

For persons with thin hair, please remember to use sun protection on scalp



Overpigmentation around eyes is very common especially under eyes, which is exposed to sun and often developes dark sun spots or freckles. Sun exposure accelerates skin ageing and also age spots like to apper in under eyes.

Swiss Veronica Actives can help with all kind of overpigmentations around eyes and is safe to use in this area. Do avoid a direct contact with eyes though!

For persons with thin hair, please remember to use sun protection on scalp

Intimate area

intimate area

Overpigmentation around eyes is very common especially under eyes, which is exposed to sun and often developes dark sun spots or freckles. Sun exposure accelerates skin ageing and also age spots like to apper in under eyes.

Swiss Veronica Actives can help with all kind of overpigmentations around eyes and is safe to use in this area. Do avoid a direct contact with eyes though!

For persons with thin hair, please remember to use sun protection on scalp



Overpigmentation around eyes is very common especially under eyes, which is exposed to sun and often developes dark sun spots or freckles. Sun exposure accelerates skin ageing and also age spots like to apper in under eyes.

Swiss Veronica Actives can help with all kind of overpigmentations around eyes and is safe to use in this area. Do avoid a direct contact with eyes though!

For persons with thin hair, please remember to use sun protection on scalp



Legs are often exposed to sun and are quite commonly affected by dark spots due to sun exposure. Shaving body hair from legs is often accociated with inflammation (rasor burn) and postinflammationary hyperpigmentaiton. Another source of inflamattion in legs are scratches, for example from thorny plants, while movement.

Swiss Veronica Actives works well in leg area for all overpigmentations related to melanin and lipofuscin accumulation.

Due to the increased skin surface, you may need a higher amount of the product until you see the results.



Dark spots on top of the feet may appear in individuals who often wear open shoes, like sandals, because of sun photoageing and sun-induced darkening. Dark sun spots, darkened freckels and in later year also yellow to brown age spots are consequence of the sun exposure. Another type of overpigmentation that is common in feet originates from skin darkening after rubbing. These are usually found in areas that experince repead pressure from shoes, for example from sandal staps.

Swiss Veronica Actives works well in feet and can be used against sun-induced spots and overpigmentation due to rubbing or inflammation.

Widespread hyperpigmentation in feet maybe a sign of circulatory problems. Please consult your doctor if the hyperpigmentation you experience does not seem to obviously come from sun or shoe rubbing.

Why it is so active?

Swiss Veronica Actives

The columns will automatically stack on top of each other when the screen is less than 768px wide.

Swiss Veronica Actives contains a perfect mix of active ingredients

Plant extracts that prevent melanin production

Swiss Veronica Actives contains extracts of 7 plants, which are scientifically identified to have a high activity against melanin production

Plant extracts that combat lipofuscin accumulation

Swiss Veronica Actives contains extract from olive trees that prevent the formation of lipofuscin

Vitamin C + Zinc complex

The vitamin C + Zinc complex is a potent again removing melanin in the skin

Swiss Veronica Actives active ingredients in high concentrations

In regard to cosmetic activity, the amount of actives in the product does matter!

Of two cosmetic products, the one containing higher amounts of active ingredients will be more active, simply because more of active ingredients will is available to tackle the problem. Most other similar products contain 0.5% to 2%, but Swiss Veronica Actives contains 15% of actives, which is 6 to 30 times more! That means Swiss Veronica Actives guarantees that suffucient actives amount needed for activity will be delivered to your skin.


Have you ever been dissapointed by other products against pigmentation in the past? It just can be that these product did not contain enough active compounds to deliver noticeable results.

Swiss Veronica Actives is based on a patented MICRO-BOTANICAL® Formula

The natural function of the skin is to stop anything from outside to come inside. This of course also means that the active ingredients have difficulty penetrating the skin and arriving where they are most needed.

We have developed and patented the MICRO-BOTANICAL® Formula, a new skincare formula


And you know what is the best thing about MICRO-BOTANICAL® Formula? It is composed solely of skin-care ingredients, so after it delivers its active load into the skin, it doubles as fantastic moisturizer. Really clever, dont you agree?!!

How to use:

How to use

How to apply:
natural ingredients

Dispense a small amount on your fingertips and distribute evenly on your skin in circular movements, applying slight pressure.

Where to apply:
natural ingredients

Please apply evenly one the area affected affecty by overpigmentation, taking care to include about 2-3 cm of the surrounding, unnaffected skin. There is no need to "tap" on each individual spot

How often:

For an intensive treatment, use twice a day (morning and evening); for normal treatment use once daily (preferably in the evening).

How much product:
no added preservatives

Use enough to evenly, but thinly cover the affected area. That means about 1 drop for a 5x5 cm area of skin or one pump stroke for about 10x10 cm area of skin

Incorporating in daily routine

Swiss Veronica Actives was designed from very beginning to be freely combinable with other products

Swiss Veronica Actives is absorbed in seconds and does not interfere with your skincare routine

To make the most of Swiss Veronica Actives, please apply it on clean skin and under your skincare product or makeup to enable it penetrate deep into skin where it will unfold its action. After this, continue with your routine as usual

After this, continue with your

Use tips and tricks

How it feels:
natural ingredients

Swiss Veronica Actives has a very thin, not-oily consistency, and is absorbed in seconds. It leaves a pleasant and velvety feeling behind and absolutely no greasiness or tackiness

How long a bottle will last:
natural ingredients

Each bottle of Swiss Veronica Actives contains 50 ml, which is about 170 pump strokes. If you dispense one stroke per use and use it two times daily, the bottle will last you about 2.5 months

What else to do:

Before first use, please take a picture of the affected area with your mobile phone for later comparison.

What not to do:
no added preservatives

Overpigmentation unfortunatelly is one of those skincare are in which one has to wait so some time to see the results. In addition, the results may come in waves as progress may be masked by the upper skin layers and only seen when these layers are shed as part of natural skin renewal.

We kindly advise you not to give up too quickly, skip treatment days in the intensive depigmentation stage and expose the treated area to too much to sun and UV light

Is it right for me?


Hyperpigmentation in all genders

Most hyperpigmentation types are not gender specific and are caused by localized imbalances due to ageing or inflammation that lead to pigment accumulation. However the melanocytes (the cells that produce melanin) can drastically increase melanin production as a response to female hormone estrogen. Certain types of hyperpigmentation therefore affect predominatly females and persons undegoing hormone treatments.

Swiss Veronica Actives can efficiently stop pigment overaccumulation and thus can help with variety of hyperigmentations in all genders.

Hormone induced hyperpigmentation maybe difficult to treat if the hormone influence is ongoing.

Hyperpigmentation in women

Hyperpigmentation in women that involve melanin and lipofuscin are common. Age and dark sun spots are formed due to skin ageing, which is accelerated by sun in exposed areas. In addition, women often experience localized skin darkening because of hormonal influence, for example during pregnancy or as a side effect of birth control pills.

In women, Swiss Veronica Actives can be efficiently used to combat all kind of pigmentation abnormalities that are caused by involve melanine and lipofuscin overproduction, such as age spots, dark sun spots or melasma.

Swiss Veronica Actives wont help women with white or red spots, which have other causes.

Hyperpigmentation in men

Hyperpigmentation in men that are caused by melanin and lipofuscin overaccumulation are common. Men tend to engange less with sun protection and skincare, which may lead to accelerated skin ageing and formaton of age spots or dark sun spots.

In men, Swiss Veronica Actives can be efficiently used for the treatment of overpigmentation because of melanine and lipofuscin accumulation rproduction, such as age spots or dark sun spots. For the treatment to be efficient, men are advised to pay increased attention to skin care and sun protection.

Swiss Veronica Actives wont help men with white or red spots, which have other causes.

Hyperpigmentation in non-binary genders

Most of skin overpigmentation types are not gender specific. An exception is the overpigmentation caused by the increased levels of female hormone estrogen, which may affect gender-fluid individuals and genders in transition. However, a common visible effect of pigment imbalance for all genders is that melanin or lipofuscin pigments overaccumulate.

Swiss Veronica Actives works to normalize pigment melanin and lipofuscin in the skin, regardless of what caused the overproduction in the first place and is suitable for all genders.

In persons undergoing feminizing therapy, overpigmetnation may be difficult to treat until therapy is completed.


Hyperpigmentation in all ages

Undesired hiperpigmentation can happen in all ages. Overabundand freckles can cause discomfort during teenage years. Scar darkening, melasma and hyperpigmentation because of inflammantion can happen at any age. In more senior years, age spots, a consequence of skin ageing, appear and become ubiquitous by the age of seventy.

Swiss Veronica Actives is a very active in lightening skin overpigmentation and can help combat or lighten hyperpigmentation at any age. With advancing age however, it becomes more and more difficult to achieve satisfactory results.

Select a button on the left that most closely describes your age bracket to learn more.

Under 20

Under the age of 20 most common hyperpigmentation type is freckles whose numbers may continuously increase through childhood and become bothersome in late teen years. During puberty, hormonal changes can cause darkening, either directy (for example causing pre-existing cafe-au-lait spots to darken) or indirectly by causing acne with subsequent darkening of acne scars.

Swiss Veronica Actives is well suited to help with various kinds of overpigmentation in individuals under 20 years old, as it is based on natural and well tolerated ingredients.

Acne scars must be protected from sun and treated early, as their darkening can become permanent.

20 - 29

Twenties can be the time of adventures and enjoyment, which sometimes leave marks in form of scars or dark sun spots. It is also the time of intense sport activity, which may be accompanied by intens rubbing of skin and darkening. Many women will get pregnant in their twenties and experience dark patches due to hormons.

Swiss Veronica Actives can be a very efficient helper in this time, as skin condition is usually very good and with little help from this product the overpigmentation can be defeated in relativelly short time.

For best result, make sure to treat new overpigmentaion early to prevent if from penetrating deeper into skin.

30 - 39

Thirties is the time when most of people enjoy great health and activity, although the responsibilities of work and family begin to leave marks on the skin. Finding time to care for own skin may be challenging with all the stress, which lets some skin problems, like hiperpigmentation, to get through. Luckily, the skin is healthy enough to counteract most of the problems on its own.

Through the thirties, Swiss Veronica Actives will be a good helper against various hiperpigmentations, but you will need somewhat longer to see final results.

For those who go through a stressful time: do try to create a small sanctuary for relaxation and self-care.

40 - 49

Fourties is the time where skin ageing start becoming visible in form of fine lines and reduced radiance. First true age spots appear at this age and in general, if you have not seen any hyperpigmentations on your skin before, it is highly likely that you see some now.

Swiss Veronica Actives is a strong helper in fourties, able to help with various forms of hyperpigmentation. Deeply entrenched spots can be difficult to eradicate, but still can be depigmented to satisfactory levels.

From fourties and onwards increased vigilance is needed regarding hyperpigmentation. Please contact your doctor every time you notice an unusual situation.

50 - 59

Fifties can be turbulent time for skin health in women due to menapusal hormone changes and problems like acne, followed by scar pigmentation, may also appar. Age spots or dark sun spots at this age often cover exposed areas (such as back of hands or sides of forehead), but remain localized.

Swiss Veronica Actives retains its potency through fifties, however the goal of complete dissapearance will be increasingly difficult to achieve and extensive hyperpigmentation fading should be aimed for instead.

It is important to compensate for reduced regeneration capacity of the skin by establishing a good skincare and suncare routine.

60 - 69

In sixties, the signs of photoaging due to decades of sun exposure become evident. Age spots and dark sun spots may become widespread and many spots may start coalescing to form langer patches. Regularly taking medication becomes common at this age, which may casue medication-induced skin darkening.

Swiss Veronica Actives Swiss Veronica Actives will help significantly fade various hiperpigmentations on the skin, but it now takes longer to achieve satisactory results and some very entrenched spots may fade only lightly.

For many, sixties is time of retirement and spending more time outdoors. Please use adequate sun protection to protect your skin aginst further photoaging.

70 - 79

From the age of seventy, the skin becomes fragile and prone to dermatitis, infections or inflammation. Most if these disorders are well treatable at the doctors office, but they are often followed by hyperpigmentation after they have healed.Age spots are present in almost everybody from this age.

Swiss Veronica Actives Swiss Veronica Actives will be able to achieve extensive fading for most darker spots and patches, but for a sizable minority only light fading can be achieved.

Swiss Veronica Actives will not help with senile purpura, purple spots that upper on arms and legs that are caused by bruising of fragile blood vessels and not because of overpigmentation.

80 - 89

In eighties, the skin becomes thinner, the blood circulation slows down and the skin looses its natural color and radiance. This makes hyperpigmentation spots more visible. At the same time, the generalized skin ageing means that spots may become widespread.

Swiss Veronica Actives will be able to achieve extensive fading for a signifcant number of spots, but the majority of spots will only fade lightly. This however might be enough for an even skin tone if you also use products that revive blood circulation.

Please have a regular whole-body examination at your dermatologist: some spots appearing in areas rarely exposed to sun may actually be malicious.

Above 90

Even in persons above nineties, the skin retains a lot of its regeration capacities. Many of skin troubles, such as dryness, can be treated well in this age. Hyperpigmentations however become very difficult to treat, especially if the pigmentation is extensive and has existed for many years.

Swiss Veronica Actives can help with maintaining current hyperpigmentation levels (no worsening), but likely wont be able to help more than that..

Help may come from within the body: with age some melanocytes (cells that produce melanin) are lost and the spots fade somewhat by themselves and can be consealed with some light, flattering make-up.

Skin type

All skin types

The color of the skin is determined by various kind of pigment melanin. Three main forms of melanin are known: brown eumelanin, black eumelanin and red pheomelanin. Depending on the proportion of these pigments in the skin, different skin colors exist (Types I through VI). Every skin type may experience areas where pigments are overproduced and spots develop, although spots are much less visible in darker skin types.

Swiss Veronica Actives offers a effective way to combat overpigmentation (though not white spots and red spots) in all but very dark skin types.

Select a button on the left that most closely describes your skin type to learn more.

Type I

Type I skin type is characterized by very pale, porcelain to ivory white skin color and almost always develops freckles. The natural hair color is light blond or red and the eyes are blue, grey or green. When exposed to sun, the skin of type I always burns and peels, never tans. Wounds rarely heal with scars. Skin of type I is common among people of Scottish or Irish origin.

Swiss Veronica Actives can treat any kind of overpigmentation that is caused by pigment overaccumulation in Skin type I.

Very dark spots in people of skin Type I must always be checked by a dermatologist to exclude severe conditions.

Type II

Type II skin type is characterized by pale white skin color and commonly develops freckles. The natural hair color is blond, red or light brown and the eyes are blue, grey, green or hazel. When exposed to sun, the skin of type II burns easily and peels and rarely tans. Wounds are not normally form scars, unless wound healing is delayed. Skin of type II is common in people of norther European origin.

Swiss Veronica Actives can treat any kind of overpigmentation that is caused by pigment overaccumulation in Skin type II.

Also people with Type II skin should always check the very dark spots with dermatologist to exclude severe conditions.

Type III

Type III skin type is characterized by white to light brown or olive skin color. The natural hair color is dark blond or chestnut and the eyes are blue, grey, green, hazel or brown. When exposed to sun, the skin of type III gradually tans, but can sometime burn. Skin wounds often heal with scars. Skin of type III is common in people of Mediterranean and Middle Eastern origin.

Swiss Veronica Actives can treat any kind of overpigmentation that is caused by pigment overaccumulation in Skin type III.

Persons with skin Types I to III have generally low propensity to develop overpigmentation, besides freckles in young age and age spots in old age.

Type IV

Type IV skin type is characterized by medium brown to brown skin color. The natural hair color is brown to dark brown and the eyes are hazel or brown. When exposed to sun, the skin of type IV tans very easily and almost never burns. Scars form easily after wounds. Skin of type IV is common in people of East Asian origin (China, Japan, and parts of India or Pakistan) and some Latin people.

Swiss Veronica Actives can generally treat overpigmentation that is caused by pigment overaccumulation in Skin type IV.

Persons with skin Types IV to VI have generally high propensity to develop overpigmentation, which increases with darker skin tones.

Type V

Type V skin type is characterized by dark brown skin color. The natural hair color is also dark brown and the eyes are brown too. When exposed to sun, the skin of type V never burns and is quick to darken. Wounds carry high risk of scarring. Skin of type IV is common in people of African origin, South East Asians, some people from India, Pakistan and some Latin people.

Swiss Veronica Actives can generally attenuate local hyperpigmentaion and even out the skin tone, especially for localized application.

Darker skin women are at higher risk to develop measma and all darker-skin individuals are at higher risk of developing localized hyperpigmentation.

Type VI

Type VI skin type is characterized by black skin color. The natural hair color is also black and the eyes are brown. When exposed to sun, the skin of type V never burns and tans very dark. Woulds caryy very high risk of scarring. Skin of type IV is common in people of African origin, Aborigines and dark skin Asians, e.g. Tamils.

Swiss Veronica Actives can not help with overpigmentation in individuals with skin Type VI.

Skin sensitivity

All concerns

The skin

Please do not use Swiss Veronica Actives or any other cosmetics on the areas currently affected by skin allergy. The cause of allergy should be elucidated first before cosmetic application can begin.

Select a button on the left that most closely describes your skin concern to learn more.

Irritated skin

Irritation or "irritant contact dermatitis" is inflammation reaction of the skin to one or more ingredient in cosmetics. It is not an allergy, which involves the immune system, yet it is difficult to distinguish from allergy as both can have similar symptoms. Skin irritation is usually mild and can cause redness, itching and swelling. Event innocent ingredients, like water, can cause irritations if the skin is exposed repeatedly.

The most common reason a skin can become prone to irritation is because its barrier function is compromised and it lets cosmetics ingredients deep inside. The barrier function of the skin can be repaired by skincare lipids Swiss Veronica Actives is high in skincare lipids that work to repair the barrier function and is usually well tolerated.

Please do not use any cosmetic product on currently irritated skin.


Redness may be a sign of skin inflammation or irritation, but also can be a symptom of an underlying disease. Please always consult your doctor in case of redness which you are not familiar with.

If your skin exhibits redness due to irritation, we advise not to use any cosmetics, including Swiss Veronica Actives until the irritation subsides.

Swiss Veronica Actives will not help you with red spots of various origin.


Most "allergies" are actually cases of skin irritation (please see the appropriate button). The true allergy or "allergic contact dermatitis" is a rare and possibly severe skin reaction that involves the immune system. Such reaction occurs if the immune system (not the skin) overreacts to a specific ingredient present in cosmetics. The outcome is stinging and itching sensation, burning and sometimes blistering. Allergy usually present itself several hours after the exposure and is also called "delayed hypersensitivity reaction".

Because allergy is highly ingredient-specific, using products free from ingredients that cause the immune system to overreact can be well tolerated. Please consult the list of ingredients and then test Swiss Veronica Actives by placing a small sample on the inner elbow and observing for 1-2 days. If no reaction occurs, you are probably not allergic to it and it is safe to use. Do not use any cosmetics on areas currently affected by allergy.

Wrinkles and lines

The color of the skin is determined by various kind of pigment melanin. Three main forms of melanin are known: brown eumelanin, black eumelanin and red pheomelanin. Depending on the proportion of these pigments in the skin, different skin colors exist (Types I through VI). Every skin type may experience areas where pigments are overproduced and spots develop, although spots are much less visible in darker skin types.

Swiss Veronica Actives offers a effective way to combat overpigmentation (though not white spots and red spots) in all but very dark skin types.

Select a button on the left that most closely describes your skin type to learn more.

Uneven skin tone

The color of the skin is determined by various kind of pigment melanin. Three main forms of melanin are known: brown eumelanin, black eumelanin and red pheomelanin. Depending on the proportion of these pigments in the skin, different skin colors exist (Types I through VI). Every skin type may experience areas where pigments are overproduced and spots develop, although spots are much less visible in darker skin types.

Swiss Veronica Actives offers a effective way to combat overpigmentation (though not white spots and red spots) in all but very dark skin types.

Select a button on the left that most closely describes your skin type to learn more.


The color of the skin is determined by various kind of pigment melanin. Three main forms of melanin are known: brown eumelanin, black eumelanin and red pheomelanin. Depending on the proportion of these pigments in the skin, different skin colors exist (Types I through VI). Every skin type may experience areas where pigments are overproduced and spots develop, although spots are much less visible in darker skin types.

Swiss Veronica Actives offers a effective way to combat overpigmentation (though not white spots and red spots) in all but very dark skin types.

Select a button on the left that most closely describes your skin type to learn more.

Dark circles

The color of the skin is determined by various kind of pigment melanin. Three main forms of melanin are known: brown eumelanin, black eumelanin and red pheomelanin. Depending on the proportion of these pigments in the skin, different skin colors exist (Types I through VI). Every skin type may experience areas where pigments are overproduced and spots develop, although spots are much less visible in darker skin types.

Swiss Veronica Actives offers a effective way to combat overpigmentation (though not white spots and red spots) in all but very dark skin types.

Select a button on the left that most closely describes your skin type to learn more.

Skin texture

Swiss veronica actives has works in all genders.

Menu 1

Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.

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Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium, totam rem aperiam.

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Eaque ipsa quae ab illo inventore veritatis et quasi architecto beatae vitae dicta sunt explicabo.

Menu 3

Eaque ipsa quae ab illo inventore veritatis et quasi architecto beatae vitae dicta sunt explicabo.

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Eaque ipsa quae ab illo inventore veritatis et quasi architecto beatae vitae dicta sunt explicabo.

Menu 3

Eaque ipsa quae ab illo inventore veritatis et quasi architecto beatae vitae dicta sunt explicabo.

Skin moisturization level

Swiss veronica actives has works in all genders.

Menu 1

Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.

Menu 2

Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium, totam rem aperiam.

Menu 3

Eaque ipsa quae ab illo inventore veritatis et quasi architecto beatae vitae dicta sunt explicabo.

Menu 3

Eaque ipsa quae ab illo inventore veritatis et quasi architecto beatae vitae dicta sunt explicabo.

What can I expect?

Will I achieve my goal?

All goals

All cosmetic procedures, such as applying cosmetic products at home, visiting a cosmetic salon or undergoing treatment with cosmetic devices have certain limits of what they can achieve. Knowing the capabilities of the product beforehand is important for deciding the optimal combination of treatment methods. In addition, the goals are also very personal: what is satisfactory of one individual may not be for another one.

Swiss Veronica Actives is a very active in lightening skin overpigmentation and can help most of affected persons to achieve their goals.

Select a button on the left that most closely describes your goal to learn more.

No worsening

"No worsening" means maintaining current state, e.g. no new pigment spots, such as age spots, are appearing on the skin and the spots already present are not becoming darker or expanding. Achieving this goal requires a mere reduction the production of melanin or lipofuscin in the skin.

With Swiss Veronica Actives, it is almost certain that the goal of "no worsening" will be achieved, as it is a potent product against melanin and lipofuscin overproduction.

Extreme sun exposure and widespread or extensive pigmentation, which indicates a broad disbalance in the skin, may interfere with Swiss Veronica Actives in achieving this goal.

Slight fading

"Slight fading" means that there are no new spots appearing and the the intensity of the existing spots fades to some degree. Also this goal can be achieved alone by reducing the production of melanin or lipofuscin in the skin, since a certain proportion of the pigments is constantly lost to degradion or shedding with skin flakes.

With Swiss Veronica Actives "slight fading" will be most certainly achieved, as it is efficient in reducing melanin and lipofuscin overproduction, which is enough for fading due to natural pigment loss.

Extreme sun exposure and widespread or extensive pigmentation may delay the acheiveing of this goal as well.

Extensive fading

"Extensive fading" means that spots are faded to such a degree that they are almost not noticable. The edges of the spots are no longer sharp, but blurred and blend in with normal skin. To achieve this goal, both reduction of the production of melanin and lipofuscin in the skin and active removal of already accumulated pigments is needed.

With Swiss Veronica Actives "extensive fading" will be achieved for most individuals, as it possess both the activities need to stop new pigments forming and to remove the existing pigments

In case of extensive or widespread pigmentation or sun exposure, more time may be needed to achieve the goal.

Complete dissaperance

"Complete disappearance" means that all spots are completely gone and no spots can be noticed when using magnifying lenses and under intense light.

Complete dissapearance with Swiss Veronica Actives is possible for fresh spots when the general skin condition is very good. In all other cases some residual pigmentation will likely to be noticeable.

In places where a pigment spot existed for many years, some portion of the pigments have bound to the skin structures so tightly or penetrated so deep, that the residual pigments usually are not removable. This is true for all hyperpigmentation treatments methods, including laser treatment.

Wedding prep

"Wedding prep" describes a goal whereby a product is used intensively for a short time in preparation for a big day, like a wedding day. Best possible results are desired on that day, but it is less important if the results remain on a long term.

Wedding prep with Swiss Veronica Actives is well achievable, however the treatment has to be started in advance because hyperpigmentation or age spots take some time to fade.

In general, care must be taken not to pile up too many cosmetic treatments shortly before the big day. Too many treatments, pushing skin too hard and general stress may lead to irritations just on that day!

Good appearance at work

Hands or face may come under intense observation in professional settings, for example the hands of watch sales personel, which are subject of customer attention during watch presentation. Overpigmentation of these parts can be a source of discomfort for the professional, who wishes to eradicate the spots from the exposed body part.

With Swiss Veronica Actives overpigmentation reduction in selected body parts for good proffessional apperance is well achievable for most individuals, as this product is can treat localized hyperpigemntations.

The final results depend on initial spot intensity, pigmentation extent and sun exposure.

How long does it take to work?

Pigementation problems are unfortuantelly the most difficult skin problems to treat. The reason for this is that skin pigments can travel within the skin and often embed themselves deep and difficult to reach skin structures.

Here goes image of such condition

Swiss Veronica Actives overpigmentation reduction in selected body parts for good proffessional apperance is well achievable for most individuals, as this product is can treat localized hyperpigemntations.

How long the results last?

Is it safe and ethical?

Is Swiss Veronica Actives safe for me and the environment?

Swiss Veronica Actives was developed to be safe for you, animals and the environment. The following three panels describe the safety profile of Swiss Veronica Actives in more detail.

Safe formula

Natural or nature-identical ingredients
natural ingredients

Swiss Veronica Actives is composed of natural ingredients, such as botanical extracts or nature-identical ingredients that exist in nature but were made in the laboratory, because extracting them from plants would be environmentally irresponsible.

Dermatologically tested

The product formula was dermatologically tested in human volunteers. Outcome: "very good".

No added preservatives or colorings.
no added preservatives

The MICRO-BOTANICAL® Formula, with which Swiss Veronica Actives is made, does not need preservatives to be stable. For this reason, we do not add preservatives during manufacturing of this product. Please note: some of plant extracts we use contain sodium benzoate or postassium sorbate to stabilize them, which then become part of the product in trace amounts. We declare this on our labels. The color of the product is determined by the plant extracts and not by added colorings.

time tested ingredients

All ingredients of Swiss Veronica Actives are used since many years in cosmetic products and are well known to scientific community to be safe. Swiss Veronica Actives is in market since 2016 and enjoys excellent feedback.

Safe ingredients

This section lists of all ingredients in Swiss Veronica Actives along with EWG's Skin Deep® ingredient score from (Environmental Working Group, a non-profit organisation that analyses and rates cosmetic ingredients).

1 ist best score and 10 ist worst score. The score takes into account various parameters, such as human toxicity, use restrictions, ecological behaviour, etc

Please click / tap on the individual ingredient to open the infopage on that ingredient to learn more:


* Different scores are possible (in brackets), depending on use concentration. The concentration in product is so low, that the lowest score can be assigned.

** rates all fragrances as "8", because these may sometimes cause allergies. This is true for all fragrances, including natural aromas or essential oils.

Sustainable and ethical

Cruelty free
Not tested on animals

We did not test Swiss Veronica Actives or any of its ingredients on animals.


Swiss Veronica Actives contains no ingredients of animal origin.

Ethically-sourced ingredients only
Ethically sourced

We know the origin of each and every of our ingredients or components of the packaging and can guarantee that all ingredients or components are not a result of exploitation of labor or natural resources. All plant ingredients originate from cultivated plants and not from plants harvested in the wild.

Supporting farmers in alpine regions
Smiley face

The farmers that cultivate the alpine plants used in our products are reimbursed per square meter of the cultivated land and not per weight of plant material delivered. In such way, we share with the the cultivation risks that arise from farming at high-altitude, harsh and unpredictable alpine meadows.

Recyclable packaging
Smiley face

All parts of the packaging are fully recyclable. The flask is from non-colored glass, fully recyclable in most countries. The pump and the cup are from polypropylene, which is recyclable in many countries and the recycling of this valuable material is rising rapidly. The paper for the paper box is fully recyclable in most countries.

Getting the most out of it

How to get the most out Swiss Veronica Actives?

The environment your body is exposed to and the current state of your body and mind can have a profound influence on how much depigmentation can be achieved with Swiss Veronica Actives and how long it will take to see good results.

The following six panels describe the influence of various external or internal factors your skin may be exposed to and their influence on combating overpigmentation. You will also find an advice on how to counteract possible negative effects and strengthen the positive effects of such factors to make the most of Swiss Veronica Actives.


Environment and pigmentation


Our skin is our defendant against environmental challenges. It is in constant fight with the outside world to preserve our inner balance, which requires lots of energy. When treating hyperpigmentation, it is a good advice to shield the skin from environmental extremes in order to give it a break and a chance to divert some energy for self-reparation.

Besides active ingredients, Swiss Veronica Actives also contains a lot of skincare ingredients that supports your skin during depigmentation. However, these ingredients may not be enough and addition help from your side may be needed.

Select a button on the left that most closely describes the environment you skin may be exposed to in order to find out more.

Intense sun / UV


Intense sun / UV is the single most import environmental factor that can significantly delay the achievement of your depigmentation goal. In lighter skin tones, sun adds to skin damage that is behind many spots. In darker skin types, sun massively increases melanin production, some of which will end up accumulating on the surface of or within the pre-existing hiperpigmentation spots. The extra melanin will serve as "scavenger" of active ingredients which will reduce the ability of the product to get deeper into the spot. You will thus need longer to achieve results.

For as long as you use Swiss Veronica Actives please make sure to avoid intense sun / UV and apply sunscreen products. This will relieve Swiss Veronica Actives from combating new melanin and will let it focus reaching the core of the existing overpigmentation and tackle the problem there. After the skin tone is evened, you can resume your normal sun exposure.

We generally advise to protect yourself from sun on a permanent basis and avoid tanning beds, as sun / UV exposure is the main skin aging factor.

High-energy blue light


Although much less pronounced, the high-energy blue light (emitted by screens and LED lamps) has similar effect to sun exposure, namely it can increase hyperpigmentaion. The melanocytes sense high-energy blue light in the similar way they sense UV light (after all, where high-energy blue light ends, low-energy UV light begins) and react to it by increasing melanin production. The extra melanin then stands in way of efficient depigmentation (please also look at the effects of sun / UV).

If the overpigmented body area that you are trying to lighten with Swiss Veronica Actives can be exposed to blue light, we advise to use sunscreens specifically formulated to block blue light on this body area for the duration of product use.

Although the blue light from screens is not as intense and the UV light from the sun, its effect must not be underestimated: we now spend a lot of hours staring at screens and the light generated from electronic devices is focused in narrow wavelengths bands that are efficient is stimulating the melanocytes.



Pollution has been identified as a risk factor for the development of hyperpigmentation disorders, such as melasma. Air pollution in form of small particulates (such as dust or smoke), nanoparticles and chemicals (for example fumes from woodburning or smoking) can enter skin. The pollutants then produce reactive oxigen species in the skin, which can disrupt skin structures and increase pigmentation.

Swiss Veronica Actives contains Vitamin C, which will effectively inactivate the reactive oxygen species. But that also means that there will be less Vitamin C to work on depigmentation. For this reason, we adive to use additional anti-aging products in paralel to Swiss Veronica Actives, if your are exposed to high pollution levels.

Consider incorporating deep cleansing rituals to your skincare routine. These can be as simple as holding a small towel soaked with warm water against your face to open pores and suck out deep-seated pollutants.

Big city stress


The negative effect of big city living on skin is by now well accepted. It is not the city itself, but a combination of factors like increased pollution, stressful lifestyles, lack of sleep, fluctuating temperatures or increased availability of unhealthy food or drinks that have a negative influence.

Swiss Veronica Actives is made with plants from pristine alpine meadows, and can bring a bit of calm to your skin in big city too. Yet, it may be a good idea not to let it waste its power around and let it focus on overpigmentation. If you live in big city, please also consider using skincare that neutralizes the effects of city stress on skin.

By the way, why not using the duration of Swiss Veronica Actives to step back from the highest gear for a bit? A bit more time for yourself here, taking up a bit less obligations there can do wonders for your (and your skins) wellbeing!

Temeperature extremes


Although not obvious, heat can contribute to overpigmentation either directly by causing inflammation, which then darkens or indirectly by causing sweating, rubbing and darkening of skin. Too low temperatures can cause inflammation or frostbites, both of which can darken.

Swiss Veronica Actives with continue working at all temperatures, but you can lend it a helping hand by avoiding temperature extremes which are stressful for the skin.

Please note: darkening may temporarily intensify in heat. This is caused by widening of blood vessels, which causes redness and intensifies the appearance of broad skin discolorations, such as melasma.

Body challenges

Body challenges and pigmentation


Skin can be stressed not only from the outside, but also from the inside by the effects of smoking, alcohol or medications. While combating overpigmentation, these body challenges may counterproductive.

Swiss Veronica Actives can counteract various influences from within while working to reduce pigmentation, but you can lend it a big helping hand by limiting these body challenges.

Select a button on the left that most closely describes the body challenge your skin may be exposed to in order to find out more.



Consuming alcohol does not directly cause overrpigmentation. However alcohol dries out the skin and low moisture level in the skin means that all kind of regeneration processes, also these which are needed for depigmentation, do not work properly.

If you regularly consume alcohol, during the use of Swiss Veronica Actives consider reducing its intake and remember to moisturize your skin regularly to counteract the drying effects of alcohol.

Alcohol consumption may cause some skin conditions (like psoriasis) to flair up, which may be accompanied by darkening.



Tobacco is not directly causing melanin accumulation, but it is well known to age the skin, which can lead to early appearance of age spots because of damaged skin balance and lipofuscin accumulation.

Swiss Veronica Actives contains Vitamin C, that will counteract some negative effects of smoking in the skin. However we do believe that his special form of Vitamin C is better used against dark spots. For this reason, we advice to reduce smoking while using Veronica Actives and consume drinks or food rich in antioxidants.

Swiss Veronica Actives will not help you with skin staining that was caused by smoking (tar staining, smokers lips). Such staining happens because tar, ash and other byproducts inflitrate the skin and has nothing to do with melanin or lipfuscin accumulation.



Some medicines can cause abnormal pigmentation, by increasing or decreasing melanin production in the skin or by causing inflamed skin patches that later attract melanin and darken.

Swiss Veronica Actives can help lighten up overpigmentation which is caused by melanin overproduction and accumulation because of medicine use both during and after medication course. Consider using Swiss Veronica Actives as soon as you notice increased pigmentation appearing. Never change medication without consulting your doctor and always consult your doctor before commencing any treatments.

Swiss Veronica Actives will not help you with spots caused by loss of pigments (white spots) and discolorations caused by the accumulation of colored medicine in the skin

Sleep deprivation


Lack of sleep has a strong effect on skin, because sleep deprivation increases cortisol production, which messes up with skin regeneration. Lack of sleep is known to affect wound healing, collagen replenishment, skin moisturization level and skin elasticity.

You can give Swiss Veronica Actives a helping hand in fighting your overpigmentation by making sure you get enough sleep and your skin enough regeneration capacity.

Inflammation is reported to be higher in sleep-deprived individuals, which can causing outbreaks that eventually may darken.

Lots of Travel


Changing time zones and countries often means changing sleep patterns, consuming different food, changing skincare routine, all of which affect the skin balance and add to skin stress. Beach vacations naturally mean plenty of sun exposure and more melanin production, which will interfere with depigmentation efforts.

If you can, please consider using Swiss Veronica Actives in times of low travel, in order to give the skin more quietness and increased regeneration reserve, which assist the depigmentation effort.

If you travel during the use, please make sure to take it with you, so not to cause interruptions.

High stress


Stress causes our body to produce hormones like cortisol, which can have different effects on skin, from making it more oily, let pimples apper or to become itchy. People with skin illnesses know all too well that stress can make these to flair up. In short, stress causes skin disbalance which can hamper your depigmentation efforts

Swiss Veronica Actives has a strong skincare component, which will help counteract some of the effects of stress on skin while it works to reduce pigmentation. You can help your skin too by finding small and big ways to make life less stressful.

In managing stress, sometimes very small things have a big impact: a 10 minute walk can do wonders for hormone balancing!

Skin surface alterations

Skin alterations and pigmentation


Skin alterations, like scars or tattoos, may create physical barriers that interfere with natural flow of melanin in the skin and lead to pigment accumulation around them. In addition, inflammation that often accompanies breaching skins integrity (for example during piercing) can by itself lead to localized darkening.

Swiss Veronica Actives can be used to combat the overpigmentation associated with skin alteration, but darkening may be deep and recalcitrant.

Select a button on the left that most closely describes the scin alterations your skin may be exposed to in order to find out more.



Tattoos are sometimes followed by overpigmentation around them (especially in darker skin types) because the tattoo procedure causes severe inflammation, a known cause of darkening. Also, tattooing deposits pigment particles in the skin which may act as barrier and interfere with flow of melanin within the skin.

Skin overpigmentation that is caused by melanin accumulation after getting a tattoo can be efficiently lightened with Swiss Veronica Actives, but deep-seated melanin may be out of reach. If you plan to get a tattoo, we advise using Swiss Veronica Actives as soon as the wound has healed and for about three months afterwards to reduce the possibility or the extent of darkening.

Swiss Veronica Active will not cause your tattoos to fade and in case you don't like your tattoo, it wont help you removing it. If your skin is prone to irregular overpigmentation, always consult a dermatologist before getting a tattoo.



In individuals prone to hyperpigmentation, the trauma of a piercing can sometimes led to inflammation and local darkening. Discoloration after piercing are quite diffcult to treat because these can develope along the piercing path and be quite deep.

Swiss Veronica Actives can be used to combant shallow overpigmentation at the piercing site, but deep overpigmentation may be difficult to reach. If you plan to get a piercing, we advise using Swiss Veronica Actives as soon as the wound has healed for about three months for prevention of darkening.

Swiss Veronica Active is fine-flowing liquid and is easier than creams to distribute within the (healed) piercing channel. However good distrubtion within the channel is diffcult to guarantee and even if it has been achieved, some hyperpigmentation my still lay too deep for it to reach.



Most scars actually underpigment than overpigment, because scar tissue most often lacks melanocytes. However some scars entrap melanocytes or act as melanin dams and because melanin distribution within the scar does not work well, such scars get overpigmented.

Swiss Veronica Actives can be a good helper against scar darkening. The shallower and fresher the scar, the better outcome is to be expected. As a preventive measure, please consider using Swiss Veronica Actives as soon as a wound has closed to reduce the possibility of scar darkening.

Swiss Veronica Active will not help lighten red scars or darken white scars.

Hair removal


During laser hair removal, the intense laser pulses may cause inflammation spots that may darken. It also can damage the melanocytes in the skin, leading to appearance of white spots. Ingrown hair after any kind of hair removal may cause local inflammation that may lead to creation of dark spot.

Swiss Veronica Actives can help you with overpigmentation due to hair removal or hair ingrowth. We recommend using it as a preventive measure or as soon as you notice that hair removal caused severe skin distress that is in danger of darkening.

Swiss Veronica Active will not help lighten red spots or darken white spots after hair removal. If your skin is prone to irregular overpigmentation, always consult a dermatologist before getting a laser hair removal.

State of body

Combating hyperpigmentaton and the state of the body


Skin is the border of our bodies with the outside word and ti

Swiss Veronica Actives can counteract various influences from within while working to reduce pigmentation, but you can lend it a big helping hand by limiting these body challenges.

Select a button on the left that most closely describes the possible current state of your body to find out more.

Stable and Balanced


A balanced body is one in which each organ works in harmony with another and maintain a stable organism. A balanced body in the position to return to harmony after dealing with mental or physical challenges.

Most of physical challenges leave no trace after new balance has been achieved. But hyperpigmentaion can stay behing for long, even after the imbalance that caused it has long been resolved, simply because pigments can stick around for long.

Swiss Veronica Actives can help you remove the signs of past body imbalances, even if you body now in perfect harmony.

High fitness


High fitness due to regular exersize seem to be good for you, regardless if you look at if from point of longevity, mental capacity, hormonal balance or well-being.

Yet sometimes the demands of high fitness leave a hyperpigemntation mark on a body, for example sun spots after an incresed sun exposure during outdoor exersizes, darkening after rubbing of clothes on skin during workout or uneven skin tone because of nutritional imbalance after too much focus on protein diet.

Swiss Veronica Actives can help you erase these hyperpigmentation marks from you body and make you feel fit from inside and outside.

Low fitness


Low fitness does not automatically mean skin problems, yet exersize does seem make things better. At very least, increased circulation brings oxygen and nutrients to the skin, keeping it healthy and promoting new skin cells formation and rejuvenatation.

It comes with no surprise, that while using Swiss Veronica Actives we recomend incorporating some physical exersize in your daily routine.

Small things, like 15 minute walk, have been shown to come with big benefits for skin and general health.

Manual labour


Manual labour may seem like a synonym of high fitness, but most of the time its anything but. Either there is a highly repetitive movement involved or heavy lifting or exposure to harsh elements and chemicals or all of these things together.

Hyperpigmentation are thus common in people doing manual labour, for reasons varying from sun exposure, rubbing from repetitive movement or inflammation due to small work accidents.

Swiss Veronica Actives can offer quite a lot of help against hyperpigmentation in these situation, however hyperpigmentation is also a sign of the body to signal trouble. It is worth examinie if protecting equipment or change in work habits can eliminate the cause of pigmentation to begin with.



IIlness by definition means an imbalance in the body and such imbalances are often become visible as hyperpigmentations. In addition, various medication can cause skin inflammation and lead to darkening.

Swiss Veronica Actives can be a very helpful companion in difficult times of sickness, by helping fade the overpigmentation due to Illness itself or medication and make you feel better about your body.

Please always consult your doctor before starting any kind of cosmetic procedures while being treated for a medical condition.



Hyperpigmentation during pregnancy is very common due to hormonal changes, since hormones stimulate melanocytes to produce more melanin. Usual pigmentation troubles during pregnancy are black line in the middle of the belly (linea nigra), melasma or darkening of areola, axilla and inner surface of thighs, especially in women with darker skin types.

Swiss Veronica Actives contains only safe ingredients or plant extracts and can help you with the localized hyperpigmentation through pregnancy.

Extensive hyperpigmenation maybe difficult to treat during pregnancy, as the continuous influence of hormones can be very strong and may counteract depigmentation efforts. After birth, the lightening of pigmentation will be easier to achieve. If you use cosmetics on areola, please make sure you wash them carefully before breastfeeding.



Every time hormonal change happen in the body hyperpigmentation troubles are not far away since the cells that produce melanin are controlled by hormones. Generally, hyperpigmentation during menopause is not very strong and melasma is the most common type of menopausal hyperpigmentation.

Swiss Veronica Actives works well against pigmentation due to melanin overproduction and can help you combat it during menopause.

Around the menopause time, age spots and dark sun spots are also appearing, because of natural skin aging. These are not connected to hormone changes.

State of mind

All mental states


Skin problems can affect mental health and mental health can have an influence on well-being of the skin. People suffering from skin disorders know all too well that mental turmoil can make dormant skin conditions to flair up.

Please visit a dermatologist or a psychologist if a dermal condition affects your mental health. Remember, most social media pictures are edited before posting. Swiss Veronica Actives can help you tackle some of the hyperpigmentation problems you may have and you can assist Swiss Veronica Actives in its action by caring about your mental health.

Select a button on the left that most closely describes your possible current mental state to find out more.

Easy going


Mental processes can affect body and skin, because our bodies contain various types of the so-called "neuroendocrine cells". Such cells receive an input from nervous system and release hormones into blood as a response.

Adopting and optimistic and easy going attitude and reducing stress will mean that the neuroendocrine cells receive less overstimulation.

As hormones are known to increase pigmentation, any improvement in mental well-being that contributes to hormone balance will also help Swiss Veronica Actives in its activity.



Far from being neutral, Indifference is . It is often a signal of depression. In addition, it signifies defencelessness and

Letting your skin pump

Swiss Veronica Actives works well against pigmentation due to melanin overproduction and can help you combat it during menopause.

Achieving a goal


Concentrating ones mental energy on a goal requires big energy expenditure from the body, as our brain actually prefers routing over novelty and challenges. This energy may be missing from skin, just when you need it most.

When using Swiss Veronica Actives in times of focus and concentration, try giving your body a bit of routine back to let it have a bit of an energy back. Having your usual daily tea or the trusted skincare routine can let your body gain a bit of calm, while your brain works on that big thing.



Mindfullness is a state of mind which involves intentional reflecting on experiences from a place of calm and is a secular (non-spiritual) activity. Spiritual or higher conscious is believe-powered awareness that goes over the mind preoccupation with daily activities. Both can help you achieve a broader perspective of your life and in doing that let you concentrate on activities that good for you, thus saving your internal energy.

We cant advise which way of achieving a higher and calmer state of mind is best for you, but do think that times of reflection can free some body energy that will help Swiss Veronica Actives during its action against hyperpigmentation.

High mood


Being happy and energetic is great feeling. Also, this means energy in abundance for all body needs, including skin repair. In short, happy people are healthy people.

If you thinking about combating some hyperpigmenation with Swiss Veronica Actives, happy times maybe the best time to achieve good results!

Low mood


Long-term depression has a very pronounced negative effect on skin, mainly because in weakens the ability of skin to regenerate itself by weakening the defense systems, unbalancing hormones and draining energy reserves of the body.

In times of sadness, every step you take to improve you mood will help Swiss Veronica Actives to work better. If you are struggling, try increasing positive activities, spend time talking to trusted friends, maintain healthy lifestyle and do not let unhelpful thoughts pull you down.

Feeling low is part of everybody's life, but if you experience prolonged boots of low mood, please consult your doctor.

Changing mood


Shifts in mood are very energy demanding and may also expose your skin to a disarray of hormonal signals which may interfere with the activity of the cosmetic actives. Because of this, taking steps to stabilize the mood helps with better outcomes of cosmetic treatments too.

When using Swiss Veronica Actives it pays off to take steps towards regulating mood swings, for example by keeping a schedule, exercising regularly, avoiding stress and practicing relaxation.

It is very normal to have times of sadness and times of great joy. But switches from extreme sadness to extreme happiness may signify a medical condition and we always advice consulting a doctor.


Nutrition and hyperpigmentation


Unfair as it is, the most tempting foods on this planet happen to be most "skin unhealthy" too. Nutritional extremes affect skin balance and health, and may cause or aggravate various skin problems, including overpigmentation. Rather than demonizing certain foods however, its the nutritional balance what is needed when trying to combat dark spots.

You can greatly assist Swiss Veronica Actives in its fight against dark spots and hyperpigmentation if you follow certain diet advices for as long as you use it.

Select a button on the left that describes various nutrient classes in order to find out their influence on hyperpigmentation more.

Surgars and carbohydrates


Sugars or carbohydrates that are readily converted to surgars (like white bread, pasta or cookies) eventually end up as glucose and excessive glucose has suprisingly bad outcomes in skin. Glucose can glycate (stick to) skin proteins and intiate their clamping together (which later on can entrap melanocytes), thus seeding future dark spots. Sugars also mess with metabolysm and hormone balance of the body, with various negative effects on skin all the way to inflammation.

For best results while using Swiss Veronica Actives, consider reducing sugar intake and opting for healthy carbs such as whole grains.

Sweet truits can be a difficult call: they may rich in antioxidations, but they also high in sugar. Our adivise: do eat sweet fruits, but consider them as a treat.



High protein diet is in fashion these days and luckily no connection between high protein consumption and hyperpigmentaion has been identified so far. Low protein diets seem to be OK too, unless these are high in carbohydrates, which is the nutritional enemy number one of the even skin tone.

While using Swiss Veronica Actives, consider consuming sufficient to plentiful, but not excessive, amount of protein, preferably from natural, fresh food, like beans or youghurt.

If you are on high protein diet (or low protein, high carbohydrates diet), please make sure that you do maintain a nutritional balance and things like healthy vegetables make it to your plate.

Diet high in fats


Being packed with energy, fats of course carry a heavy baggage around, and have long been substituted with carbohydrates in "light" products. The question if fats or sugars are better is by far not an answered one, but in regard to skin sugars seems to be worse. In addtion, oils, especially plant oils, contain lots of ingredients with very positive influence on skin.

For best results while using Swiss Veronica Actives, consider including healthy oils, such as oilive oil, as part of a balance diet.

We seem to be moving away from treating fats as nutritional scapegoats, but the truth is, lots of (tasty) food is high in fat and its very easy to consume more fat that is good for you.



Vegetables is everybodys daling and rightly so: these are just packed with lots of vitamins and nutrients that are good for you. Also, these provide fiber that keep bacteria in our guts happy and

For best results while using Swiss Veronica Actives, consider consuming high amount of antioxidant-rich vegetables every day.

If you follow a strict vegan diet, please make sure that you are getting enough of vitamins that are rare or absent in plant foods, such as Vitamin B12. Vitamin B12 in important for many skin functions and its deficieny can lead to hyperpigmentation.



Micronutrients may sound "small", but their impact can be very big. Vitamins or minerals are needed is tiny amounts, but their role is essential.

For best results while using Swiss Veronica Actives, consider consuming high amount of antioxidant-rich fruits and vegetables, taking care to keep sugar and carbohydrate intake in balanced levels.

A vitamin and mineral supplement can be a quick fix to supply you with all micronutirents needed, however please remember that these may contain high amounts of vitamins and minerals and their overconsumption may lead to local pigmentation disorders!


Erscheinungsbild: Kristallklares Sérum in einer stilvollen Milchglas-Flasche mit einem eleganten Pumpspender.
Füllmenge pro Flasche: 50 ml, ausreichend für etwa 60 Tage.
Any questions? Please contact our customer service at any time: 043 538 23 43!
Activity: Skin lightening
Swiss Veronica Actives is a powerful skin lightening serum made from natural ingredients and organic alpine plant extracts for an intensive whitening and treatment of age spots.
Highly concentrated: contains 15% actives mix, 70% nourishing ingredients and less than 13% water. Based on extracts from the Veronica officinalis, Primula veris, Achillea millefolium and four other alpine plants cultivated in high altitudes in the Swiss Alps.
How it works:
The tirosinase-inhibiting effects of extracts of Veronica officinalis, Primula veris, Achillea millefolium and four other alpine plants combined with the anti-pigmentation and anti-melanogenesis properties of the ILLUMISCIN® complex help to lighten the skin and reduce the appearance and number of age spots. The fast-absorbing, nourishing ingredients leave a long-lasting pleasant feeling after each use
How does Swiss Veronica Actives helps whiten the skin and reduce age spots?
Decreases the production of the browning pigment.
Attenuates the formation of the age pigment.
Activates pigment degradation in the skin.
Beauty benefits:
Whitens the skin
Brightens skins look
Reduces age spots
Protects from repigmentation
Evens the skin tone.
For treatment of age spots apply once a day, for skin lightening purposes apply each evening for 4-6 weeks. Apply thinly on clean skin and massage lightly until absorbed. Avoid contact with eyes.
Use area: hands, face and decoltè
Time of the day: evening Care.
Skin type: for all skin types.